Trade, Logistics and Customs Specialist

Lawyer Andrei Calderón

Andrei focuses his practice in international business and customs, providing consulting and advisory services to domestic and international businesses in international business, market access, business development, technical topics for customs processes, and other areas.

He has worked with the National Program of Rural Youth (PRONAJUR) and with the National Program for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Programa Nacional de Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) (PRONAMYPE). He has also worked to develop different projects for affiliated, internal projects with impact in the country for the Chamber of Importers and Foreign Representation in Costa Rica (Cámara de Importadores y Representantes de Casas Extranjeras de Costa Rica) (CRECEX) and chairman of the AMCHAM Trade Committee and the Customs Regulatory Improvement Subcommittee of UCCAEP. Andrei currently teaches commerce, customs and international marketing at the University of Costa Rica.

Academic Background

Degree in Customs Administration and International Business from the University of Costa Rica (2008).